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Community Music Circle in the Home Town News Paper (HTNP)!!
Music brings them together
by: Kelly Nolen | HTNP.com Staff Writer Saturday, January 30th, 2010
Ken Tosi (background) and Peter Govert work on a tune at a recent get together of the Community Music Circle. Photo by Kelly Nolen for HTNP.com
On the fourth Monday of every month, musicians are invited to the Grange Hall in East Haddam to take part in an impromptu jam session. The gatherings are part of a unique Parks and Recreation program called Community Music Circle, created by Third Selectman Peter Govert.
Participants are asked to bring in songs containing between 3 – 4 chords, which the group then learns to play together.
All instruments and skill levels are welcome at the circle.
The program was started about 10 years ago by Govert, who observed many similar gatherings throughout his travels.
“I realized that music is embedded in our DNA,” and it crosses all ethnic and cultural boundaries, said Govert.
Since the program began, Govert estimates that as many as 80 people between the ages of 6 and 67 have participated.
The success of the Community Music Circle has helped to launch other musical programs in the area, such as the Open Mic events now held at St. Stephens.
Word of the Circle has spread, thanks to the program’s social networking site.
Similar programs are now starting in Groton and New London and even as far away as Illinois and California.
For Govert, “The main idea is to bring people together and build a community.”
The Community Music Circle is held from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the fourth Monday of every month at the Grange Hall.
For more information, visit http://communitymusiccircle.ning.com/
Posted Jan. 30, 2010
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