The 10 non-rules that help the group play together


1. Keep It Simple
• 2 minutes (The time allowed to teach the song to others)
• 4 chords (Generally the maximum number of chords per song)

2. Keep It Up
• Play through mistakes
• Only the musilitator (that's you - the music+facilitator) may stop the song (Only you, the musilitator can decide if the song sounds like a train wreck and needs to be stopped – this is a judgment call)

3. Keep It Together
• Please listen to each other
• Please keep the beat!!!
• Please sit in a circle so we may see and hear the other players.

4. Keep It Down
• Excessive volume kills good music
• Be aware of volume creep (Volume creep is when each participant slowly, over time, keeps turning their amp higher)
• Please play softly when someone starts singing, or takes a lead break, or if you become lost.

5. Thou shalt not come to the circle to impresseth others with thine own talent for this is an abomination. The music shall be the star around which all musicians rotateth and not viceth-verseth! Attempts to make thine own star shine, shall surely lead thee into darkness!

6. The Song Is Over…When The Song Is Over (There is no hard and fast rule to end a song. Sometimes the group finds a groove and plays a song for 15 minutes, other times you are finished after 3-4 minutes – this is a judgment call)

7. Everybody Takes Lead Breaks – if they want to.
• 12 bars – go around 4 times – long is good (Encourage participants to play extended leads. Four times around the 12 bar framework is just an example of length – longer is better.)

8. Switching Instruments Is Encouraged!!

9. Take Turns Leading Songs (However, your musilitator is prepared to lead all of them) Encourage your participants to lead songs. This means they should sing and direct those who want to take leads.
• Please – no noodling off on a tune the others do not know. Please teach the song to others so we can play it together.

10. Have Fun!!!!! Enjoy the musical moment!!

Note to musilitator: You will want to write these “non-rules" onto a wall chart in full view for your participants. I have included notes in parenthesis for your benefit – there is no need to write these comments on your wall chart.

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